The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

TAC3 F0U2 SEYMOUR DATTr TRIBUNE. SEYMOUR. IND. byjacktyunto CHURCHES The Living Scriptures Tho Ono Dial Wo Turn Off Christian Science S21 North Chestnut Street Sunday School at 9:30 Sunday morning. aw Regular service each Sunday morning at 10:45, eilATtAl! Ill LITESATUREr TV sir' A IN SPIRITUAL APATHY THEY HAVE BECOME- AND PA6T FEEL1N6 M4-9fiMMp RELI6I0M.

DH. 6E0RGE S. EOGARDUS DENTIST Been T-VttMlao BMa raon jalutT HOURS: SdS to CLOSED WZOMZSOAYt G. B. DAVIS REAL ESTATE 9 Farm Commercial Residential Phone JAS-3034 142 Calvin Boulevard Seymour, Indiana USE TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED AD VERTIsem*nT FOR RESULTS Especially for your OUR BUSINESS HOURS DAILY AND SATURDAY I Closed Wtdnaidays SAVINGS INSURED SAFE TO $10,000 Cooperative BUILDING LOAN -ASSOCIATION Paul W.

Prior, '208 W. Second Seymour, Indiana risfm as Trees! In your home then WTn your am sr i Convenience a it ml SUI WW Eu In. in' wi be mA'TlptaaSt rosacs domestic oixjmrt ra. mi-wti iVl BULLDOZING Movwa ctah- BIRGE ELECTRIC SUNBEAM Electric Home Appliances The Best Oa Tli Mukit 210 S. Chestnut Seymour DR.

E. J. BANTA OPTOMETRIST. COST ACT IXXIES VEHSLAGE BLDG. Ground floor Phon IrlBt CLOiD WEDMIiOAY Notional Nylon Tires at Rayon Price I 670x15 710x15 end Recappeblo Tire Gebbrt Auto Supply iu w.

tipta-a Dr.M.F.KIaes 1 Chiropractor 100 W. lad St, Seymour, lad. HOURSt DaDy br Appolntmtnl .1 Closed All Day- Wednesday and oa Saturday Afternoon I Nigbisi Tuesday and Friday 7-8 X-Ray" MDM Phone JAckson 3-2240 NOW IN OUR NEW LOCATION HOB BS MILLER INSURANCE 1 419 West 2nd St. Phone JA 2-5640 WELCOME WAGON Meets new arrivals in Seymour taking gifts and greetings from your friendly business neighbors. HOSTESS Mary Catherine Lightner Phone JA 2-2108 1 ASST HOSTESS Nancy Hemmtr Phone JA 2-3175 A A Minin $14.95 irrl MEASURE I Modem medication th ireatest I mini unii Mn hi iv frr fha mnnatf IThe true measure of its worth lies not in dollars and cents, but in the faster relief from pain and speedier rwnvarv from 3lne marie nossi.

UiIn th new "wnnftor rirnot" II Because ot ther emcacv. voy sava fes the cost of the medi-'; i nedicai bills and tosf of tie to lonf illnesses. loa. rerti ixHtti ia. isiaaaaMaBBaaj IDS W.

tad JA 2-5401 I jr3J DZAMA a THEATEEjETCtfi -Z Redeemer Lutheran Fifth and Walnut Streeta L. G. Leonard, Pastor Sunday School and Bible classes 9 a. m. Divine worship at 10 a.

m. The sermon topic will be "The Pur-1 pose of Christ's The season of Advent lends itself well for some deep meditation on the coming and on the purpose of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ We cordially invite you to be with us tomorrow morning as we meditate on this wonderful subject No doubt you know the for the Lord's Advent, but it will do you good toreviewlt If you have no particular church affiliation come and worship with us tomorrow. Bring the entire family, to Sun day School and Bible class. This is the Christian's way of showing his love for the Lord and His saving Word. We provide a nursery for chil dren under three years of age.

We welcome you to all of our services. St. Ambrose Rev. Irvin T. Mattingly, Pastor Rev.

Joseph B. Sheets, Assistant 325 South Chestnut Street Weekday Masses: 6:15 and 8 a. m. Sunday Masses, 6, 8, 10 a. m.

Holy Day Masses: 6 and 8va. p. m. Confessions from 3 to 4 and from 7 to 8 on Saturdays and days before Holy Days. Pentecostal Church-of Jesus Christ i 700 Noble Street Elder, Ray BurrelL Pastor.

Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Sunday night 7:30 p. m. Bible Study, Tuesday, 7:30 p.

Youth Meeting, Thursday, 7:30 m. Everyone is welcome to all of these services. Come let us wor ship together. Pentecostal Bible 206 S. Lynn St Pastor Rev.

Ida Maples Order of services: Tuesday night, 7:30 Friday night 7:30. Sunday night Evangelistic Serv ice, 7:30. The public is invited to attend all these services. St. Paul's Episcopal.

Azi Bin st, coiumous, in a. Rev. Williatn L. Cassady, Rector Rev. R.

Stewart Wood, Curate Church Phone: Drexel 2-1673 Sunday worship services: 8 a. m. and 10 a. m. DEPENDABUE FURNACE CLEANING.

JEFF DAVIS JA 2-1(31 MONUMENTS MARKERS Bock Aw Mm VwMal BrlMtoy Bloa Mottled VMatiaa W'toWT Qwsla tttarble WALTER KRUIVDUE net rwtaf ra. ja i 4in atTW0M 1, Live au Decorate 4 Jifmfa 2sr 1 First Methodist "Where Ewing Crosses Third" Rev. Charles A. Walls, Minister -Mrs. Earl Parker, Organist, Choir Director Mr.

J. Hugh Taylor, Church School Supt. Greeting: Committee: Mr, and Joseph (Mary) Black. 9:30 a. nv -Sunday School.

10:30 a. m. Morning worship. Sermon to bo given by Rev. Walls, JTbe -Wayj: Out oL the Mr.

Scrivhor will be guest organist, the Junior Choirs will. sing. Special music will also be sung by Mr. and Mrs. William Stanley and Mr.

and Mrs. James T. White. 8 p. m.

Junior and Senior Hi MYF Groups. Monday, 7:30 p. m. Commission on Missions. Tuesday: 1:30 p.

m. Dorcas Circle of the W.S.C.S. will meet at the church. 7:30 p. m.

Unit 3 of the Alpha Class. Mrs; Josephine Lewis 411 Indianapolis Ave. 7:30 p. m. Commission on Fi nance.

Wednesday: 6:30 p. m. Senior Choir Re-hearsaL 7:30 p. m. W.S.C.S.

Mrs. Quinon Brown and Mrs, William Stanley, devotion and program leaders. Christmas Thank offer ing will be taken. Mrs. Athos Woolls chairman of the.

hostess committee. 7:30 p. m. Bible Study led by Rev. Walls will meet in the Hughes Memorial ChapeL Friday, 3:30 p.

m. Junior Choir Rehearsal Saturday, No Cherub Choir Re hearsal in the morning. However there will be a special Dress Rehearsal for the Church School Christmas Pageant at 1 p. m. at the church Next Sunday, Dec.

20: 7:15 a. rri. Methodist Men's An nual Christmas Breakfast. 10:30 a. m.

Senior Choir Pre sentation of selections from Handel's "Messiah" at Morning Worship. 4 p. m. Christmas Pageant, 'The Nativity" presented by church kTiooT classes. 6 p.

m. Junior and Senior Hi MYF groups will go caroling. Ev. United Brethren West 4th at Calvin Blvd. Seymour, Indiana Ralph Adkins, Minister 9:30, Morning Worship.

10:30, Sunday School. 6, All age-level fellowships. 7, Evangelistic Service. 7:30, Monday, Mr. Mrs.

Class, 7, Wednesday, Choir rehearsal. 7:30, Prayer Meeting. This Sunday, morning will- be membership day. We shall be re-ceiving new, members into the church. If you desire to become a member, please phone the pastor today lor arrangements.

Seymour Christ Temple 607 Euclid Ave. Affiliated With United Pentecostal Organization Rev. Dewey AUman, Pastor Order of services: Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Evangelistic Service, 7 p.m.

Study, 7 p.m. Tuesday. Prayer Meeting, 7, Thursday. Youth Service, 7, Saturday. Everyone is invited to any and all of these services.

Christian Martyrs BY WILLIAM B. GILROY, DJ). i The newspaper Christianity Today recently printed in full, under the heading "A Living Bible in- a Dying World," an ar ticle by Bishop Otto Dibelius, who was the British and Foreign Bible Society Lecturer for 1959. It is a very important document in. the conflict betweep Christianity and the forces of communism and atheism.

This eminent and. able 7 churchman inadamartyrUKepart in 'op- i posing Hitler. He is having a similar part in battling Commu nism and atheism in East Ger imany. Bishop Dibelius is European 1 president of the World Council of Churches; chairman- of the 'council of the Evangelical church in Germany, and Bishop of Ber-lin and Brandenburg. As such, he is the heroic leader of those who uphold, the "livint, Bible' against the rulers of East Ger many, who as Doctor Dibelius says, "cry out that x'Christiana have failed; Christian concepts of life are doomed to perish.1 re-echoing 1 the slogans diffused all over th Soviet orbit" Apart from his defense of the Bible and the Church, and the storrt the continued faith and practice of many who share his convictions despite the virtual matyrdom that they face in uus ftostue environment Bish op Dibelius statement is the most powerful account that have anywhere seen of the na- I ture and extent of the, forces of sna-enrtst.

a. day, Here are are for had for V- Wednesday evening service heldr every Wednesday night at Mk.lfc- The Reading- Room, where aQ authorized Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased will be open every Saturday afternoon from 2 1:30 o'clock. Man's God-given safety and protection will, be stressed at Christian Science services this Sunday. Keynoting the Lesson-Sermon on-the subject "God the Preserv of Man" is the Golden Text from the King James Version of the Bible: "The Lord is good. strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust In him" (Nahum Citations to be read from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy include (387.27): "The his.

tory of Christianity furnishes sublime proofs of the supporting influence and protecting power bestowed on man by his heavenly Father, omnipotent Mind, who gives man faith and understand ing whereby to defend himself, not only from temptation, but from bodily suffering." First Baptist Corner Tipton Walnut Streets Seymour, Indiana Kenneth L. Swank, Pastor Sunday Services 9 a. m. Sunday Church School 10 a. Morning worship serv ice.

Pastor's message, "As One That Finds Great Spoil." 2:30 p. m. Christmas Musi Service Rehearsal. 5:30 p. m.

Concord choir. 6:30 p. m. Training Fellowship, 7 p. m.

Men's Chorus meets in church sanctuary for rehearsal. 7:30 p. m. Christmas service, "For Unto Us A Child Is Born' will be presented in the Center by the Junior department under the direction of Miss Marie Adams, superintendent, and the teachers and officers of the department The public is invited. Next Week Wednesday, 6:30 p.

m. Chapel choir rehearsal. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Christ-maservrceTnheCeriterTjyThe Kindergarten department under the direction of Mrs.

Roy Jaynes, superintendent and the teachers and officers of the department Wednesday, 8:40 p. m. Church choir. Thursday, 6 p. Workers leave church for Christian Educa tion classes at Muscatatuck State School.

Thursday, m.i-Cub 'Pack meets in Center. Saturday 10 a. m- Carol choir rehearsal with party to follow re hearsal. Saturday 11 a. m.

Cherub choir rehearsal Bethel A3I.E. of Seymour 'Corner of Tipton Lynn Sts. The little church with the Good Will Center welcomes all. The Rev. Edgar F.

Maddex, Minister Mrs. Elrena Browning, Sunday School superintendent Mrs. Fannie Woodson. church evangelist Mrs. Lillian Edmonds, church clerk.

Early morning worship services win oe conducted at 7:30 a. tn. evangelist Mrs. Fannie Woodson will bring the message. Pastor Maddex will conduct Holy Communion worship serv ices at 11 a.

m. at St. Luke's A.M.E. Church, Columbus. Sunday School at 1 p.

m. worsnip services at 8 p. m. Sunday. rrayer services will be con ducted Wednesday night at 7:30 Mrs.

Lillian Edmonds, leader, All Bethel Men and their men friends are invited a Christ mas party and lunch at 7 p. m. Friday in the church basem*nt Prof. James Lee, Thomas Wood son and Carver are in charge of the program and Mel- vin Bulleit, Samuel Browning and Irvin Shelton are on the serving committee. The Bethel senior choir will be featured at Christmas Sunday services at 7:30 a.

m. Dec. 20. Proi. James Lee will speak on the "Spirit of Christmas." Special Christmas services will be held at 8 p.

m. Dec. 20 Mrs. Lulu Compton, Mrs. Pauline Mc-Dougal, Master Samuel Browning, "Mrs.

Lillian Edmonds and Evangelist Mrs. Fannie Woodson will share in this service. Donations are requested to sup port the annual Christmas dinner for the needy persons of Jackson county. iThe dinner will be held from 12 noon to 5 p. Christmas Day in the basem*nt dining room of the church.

Dinners will be delivered to shut-ins and elderly persons. Santa Claus will give out toys for the children at 3 p. Please send your donations to toys for the children at 3 p. m. Ralph Lucas, 717 East Second street" Please call JA 2-4554 for pick up of your 'old clothing, shoes, rugs, furniture, carpets and other items that can be used by the needy of Jackson -County, The Rev.

Dr. Ford Gibson, of Allan Chapel A.M.E. Church, will be the guest speaker Dec. 27 at 3 p. m.

at the church. The choir from-his church-will sing Dr. Gibson is also president' of the Indiana chapter of theNAACP. Zion Lutheran Seymour, Ind. Rev.

Edward Meyer, Vacancy Pastor a. Sunday School and adult Bible class. 11:30 a. nv Divine Worship at School. 7:30 p.

congregational meeting at Freeman Field. Every person finds himself try ing to hide. He hides his life from hie fellow men and even tries to keep some things from bis closest friends and loved ones. No one will deny a person the privilege of privacy. The mistake, however, that all of us art inclined to make is that we try to hide certain things from God.

Adam and Eve tried that as they cowered in the bushes of the Garden of Eden. The reason for their hiding, and the reason for our hiding is shame. Adam and Eve had sinned against God and they were afraid and wanted to hide, from God. So many of us today are Inclined that same way. Instead of facing our sins and mistakes, we like to cover them up.

Unfortunately we can not keep them from God. Our secret Bins are known to Him. We realize that we must face Him sooner or later as did Adam and Eve. The sensible thing to do then is to confess to God our shortconv ings, our sins. He is faithful to forgive us.

That is the reason for the coming of His Son Jesus into the world. By covering ourselves with His righteousness, we might never need to hide from God again. There is always a friendly wel come and inspiring message at the Zion Church. We most cordially invite you to worship Church Of God E. Fourth and Blish Sts.

Clifford McDanieL Pastor Take your Bible to church with you this Sunday. And thus show your belief and practice in Uni versal Bible Sunday. Morning Worship 9:30. Sunday School at 10:30 Sunday night service at 7. Youth Fellowship Monday at 6:30." Midweek Service Wednesday at Choir Practice Wednesday at 8.

Special Christmas Cantata Sunday night, Dec. 20, 7. Special Christmas Program Wednesday night, Dec. 23, 7. Hour of prayer in World-Wide chain of prayer, Thursday, 1-2 a.

m. Dec. 24. Union Christmas Service Thursday night, Dec. 24, 11 p.

m. Remember the Bible points the way to zne way gesus me Christ Jehovah's Witnesses 406 N. Vine St J. M. Grubb, Minister Sunday 3 p.

m. Mr, J. Nichol son will speak on the subject, "Why are There so Many Re ligions?" The Bible study will fol low at 4 p. m. The subject for this week is "Keeping Clean From the Blood Of All Men." Tuesday 7:30, Bible study in "Your Will Be Done On chap.

6. Thursday 7:00, Ministry school and training' program. Everyone is welcome. GEORGE'S BATTERY SHOP BtMcri, Omcrmior. Blaster and Ignition lanrlc 3rd Ewlna Iforthwwt CenMT Phon JA 4M LAY-AW AY TOR amisuus Ricliart's Men's Shop: UftW WURLITZER PIANOS Al low Ai 1495.00 Sent Before You Burl JOHNNYO'S Music Store One Doer West of Majestic MMl 1 1.

IN A I Immaniiel Lutheran Walnut and Oak Streets "Seeks the Sinner Loves the Lowly" Victor A. Mack, Pastor Divine Worship, 9 and 10:30 m. Sermon "Desire of Nations' Sunday School 10:30 a. m. Christmas Musicale, 3:30 p.

m. Adult Instruction Class, Tues 7 p. m. The church is a house of Joy, you are baptized, here you married, and from here you buried all joyous happenings. Baptism joyous rebirth; mar riage joyous companionship; burial joyous entrance into God's house of many mansions.

Come often to your house of happiness. Come to church. There is no reason for not going to church. A person feels re-newe'd and enriched and ready the week's work when he has the privilege, of attending worship and praising God in His house on Sunday. "We preach Christ and.

Him Crucified." -Central Christian 414 North Chestnut Street J. T. Moore, Pastor 1 Seymour, Indiana Mrs. Gene Johnson, Minister Abroad (Link Missionary to Monieka, Belgian Congo) 9:00, Worship Sermon, "It Hap pened At Shimmabuke!" Deacons and greeters as scheduled for month. Elders: Paul Kunz, Glen Manion (Roy Applegate).

Nursery pre-school children in annex. 10:10, Church School. 11:00, Worship Sermon, "It Hap pened At ShimmabukeirTDeacons and greeters as scheduled for month. Elders: Edmund Murray, Bill McNeely. Nursery Party in social room.

Monday 7:00, CYF. Tuesday 7:30, MothersC 1 Family Christmas Party. Bring 25-50c- gift for own-child. Tuesday 7:00, Special Board meetmrjto-lectboard-offleerSr Wednesday 6:30 and 7:15, choirs practice. Wednesday 6:00, Junior Dis ciples.

Wednesday 7:00, Friendship Class. Bring 25c gift for own child and adults, also bring 25c gift for exchange. Thursday 6:30, Christian Crusader Turkey Supper. Bring vegetable or dessert. Mothers Club homemade cookie and candy sale at Hooks' at 9 a.

m. Str Paul Conjsrregational George Edward Millard, Minister Albert H. Stahl, Sr, Church School Superintendent Mrs. Orville Baute, Director of Music. 9:30 Church SchooL 10:30 Sermon, "The Traveler's Invitation." Monday night 7:00, Building Finance Committee.

Wednesday night 6:00, Good Fellowship Class, Dinner meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al bert H. Stahl, Sr. Thursday night, .7:00.

Senior Saturday afternoon 2:00, Junior Choir. Today powers or darkness have never been so consistent nor violent as they appear to be in this century "The new doctrinaires make an absolute claim on the minds of met through shaping their intellects and their value judg ments. In defining' with 7 detail and precision the forces of commu nism and atheism is no" note in the- Bishop's statement of weakness, complaining, or des pair. An impressive part is: the- evident faith- and hope in the number who continue to study the Bible and practice the Christ- Ian religion i It would be remarkable if. the Bishop's own faith and courage a courage of real heroism had not inspired many, both young ana om, to stand with him.

To those of us who have al-; wgys lived under conditions of; religious liberty, it is net. easy i to envisage situations in' which! simple religious association going to church, reading the Bible, or practicing Christian rites should subject anyone to virtual ostracism, and real dan-i ger. Yet this is the actual situation in East Germany as Dr. Dibelius describes its details. It is a situation that calls for approximate martyrdom, and believers are not overwhelmed ar dissuaded by the restrictions and perils.

It is well that we should know of the nature and active hostility of the anti-Christ forces that be set JEellow- Christians In other lands. And it is weHrthat we should ever have in mind the auestiotv "Can it er 0 I foi Pi I First Preshyterian A Friendly, Working Church" Third and Walnut Streets H. Nathan Frederick, Pastor Church-School-at m. Classes for all and a cordial welcome. Worship at 10:30 m.

Mes sage by the pastor, "The Light Shines A Nursery is pro-i vided for the care of preschool children. Youth Fellowship: Junior Group at 4:30 p. m. Senior Group at 6:30 p. OTU Group at 7 p.

m. Girl Scouts, Troop 13, Monday Nominating Committee meeting Monday at 7:45 p. m. in the church fellowship room, Girl. Scouts, Troop 10, Tuesday at 3:30, Brownie Scouts, Wednesday at 3:30, Choir-rehearsal Wednesday at 6:45 p.

m. Boy Scouts, Troop 24, Thursday at 3:30. Junior Choir rehearsal Friday at 3:30. Rehearsal for All-Church Chil dren's program on Saturday at 10 a. m.

Attend the Church of your choice every Sunday. Church- going families are a I families. Woodstock Pentecostal Affiliated with United Pentecostal Organization Located One Block Off Highway 31A at 14th St asl Order of services: Saturday night, 7:30 Youth Ju bilee service. Sunday School, 10 clock. Morning Worship, 11 o'clock.

Evangelistic service, 7:30 Sun day night Wednesday night, 7:30 Bible Study. We urge every one to attend all our service's. God is meeting with us in every service. Come to the House of the Lord and learn how to meet the problems of life. Jesus knows the answer to every problem large or smalL Remember you are always welcome no matter who you are.

We have fine Sunday School, a class for all ages and capable teachers First Assembly (f God "A Itiendly Church With An Eternal Message" Poplar at South Park Drive Rev. Don E. Patterson, Pastor Sunday School at 9:45 a. Classes for every age. Morning worship service at 10:45.

Galilean Bible Club at 6:30 p. m. This service is for the youth. Evangelistic service at 7:30 p. m.

Midweek prayer meetings and Bible study on Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. The public is cordially welcome to all services of this Assembly. Church of Christ Fourth and' Poplar Sts. Vernon R.

Henton, Minister Services as follows: Bible Study, 9:30 a. ru Classes for all ages. Worship, 10:30 a. "Refuse Not Him That SpeakethV Young People Class, 6 p. m.

Evening Worship, 7 p. m. Wednesday night, Bible Study, 7 p. classes for all ages. You are invited to come and worship with us according to the New Testament cattern.

Vocal music only. LTrinityPentecostaL 1012 W. Laurel Street Rev. J. F.

Ray, Pastor 9:30 a. Sunday SchooL 10:30 a. Sunday Morning worship. 7 Sunday night service. 7 p.

Wednesday night prayer at mi go II II I i 1 yard offer the to 8 Ft. Pine fir Spruce Treei $10.00. crvs a out cEKTincATi ro ICURSEHY STOCK THIS YEA1U (S SCHNEIDER NURSERY aouuiarn lnditotas Larfetrt and Mart Completely etoekad Nunary RIGHWAr MIU.S WEST HO JAI-40U Bishop DibelMts "The, Welcome' to alL Coma with us..

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.