American Express National Bank vs Kerry Vohnoutka, AKA Kerry D Vohnoutka, 70-CV-19-20133, 31082020_Statement of Closed or Charged Off Account_0 (Minnesota State, Scott County, District Court Aug. 31, (2024)

`Filed in District Court
`State of Minnesota
`8/31/2020 4:24 PM
`Gold Delta SkyMiies" Credit Card
`Closing Date 09/24/19
`j New Balance
`! Minimum Payment Due
`Includes the past due amount of5677 00
`I Payment Due Date
`; Lnlg Payment Warning: If we do not receive your Minimum Payment Due by
`xhu itlymunt Dun- Dau: oh 6/1 2mg. you may havng pgya'late fee ofup to
`$3912!) and your APRs may be rival-eased to the Pcmh‘y-APR of 29.99%.
`Minimum Payment Warning: If you make only the minimum paymem each peuiud,
`you will pay more in Interes: and it Will take you longer In pay off your balance. For
`If you "nah: no additionai
`1' chargcs and each month you
`You will pay offrhe balance
`shown on this .statcmentin
`about. _
`L And you \vnl pay an
`‘ estimated total 0L
`Only the
`Minimum Paymmt Due
`3-37 YEN-5
`lfyou would like information about credit counseling services, call 1—888-733-4439.
`See page 2 lorimporrant information aboutyouracw‘uni'.
`Account Ending 1-81 002
`p. 118
`To View your Delta SkyMiles°
`balance, visit
`Si 3, i 38.70
`+539 co l
`+~i 90 2i
`$13,367.91 .'
`$1,049.23 l
`$13,000 00
`so oo
`Ac‘coun't Sumniar‘y
`| New Balance
`g Minimum PaymentDua
`Credit Limk
`1 Available Credit
`Cash Adva nce Limit
`Available Cad:
`Days in Billing Period. 3O
`criminal; m w
`. a PaybyCumputw.
`. ameri-cmenriqisgom/pb:
`‘3'] WARNING:Your account is past due.
`for important Changes to Your Account Terms.
`See page S
`Customer Care
`Pay by Phone
`1 -800‘472-9297
`[a See page 2 for additional information.
`Continued on page 3
`xi, Please r‘oid on the perforalion beiow, detach and return with your paymunhb
`Payment Coupon
`Ba not star-lei“ use paper dips
`Pay by Computer
`a'menrumptess com/pbc
`143] 10TH AVE E
`SHAKOPEE MN 55379-2903
`r gaégggn‘;
`Actount Ending .002
`Enter ‘l S digilatcuunt it on all paymenis.
`Make (heck nayahle to Amerimn Express.
`Checkhere ii your address or
`phone number has changed.
`Note changes on reverse Sid e.
`PO BOX 0001
`LOS ANGELES CA 90096-8000
`Payment Due Date
`10119/1 9
`New Balance
`$1 3,367.91
`Amount Enclosed
`Statements 000001


`Filed in District Court
`State of Minnesota
`8/31/2020 4:24 PM
`Account Ending -_ppz
`p‘ ze
`IIsI‘. lie seIII Io me pavrner-t address show: 10-1 you sra' cnIenI. and I -II;s‘1 be III: v‘II-I‘d i‘rz f3
`locai lime arthar ad:
`Payments: (rIIJI IIaIIIIeII
`may Payn‘ rum“:
`on: b5 banharzc m ablemUS .icllarsxxwitha
`ade WIIII a single c eck d'av.
`III IrIcI'IIde :EIc
`Izmlzer ” nnrpaymenf
`Inri 9-10.x? Acm
`e US hankIrI!) svszem- and {1) iI
`negotia hle instrunwn
`ting may he delaycd and you may incur iaie paw ‘ ’:3vsent: m:
`IIon'neer a}! 0! the bI‘)‘
`requirements, ct:
`ELIIE iiImagh-:he L‘S hankmg sysrm. 11 wr:
`mnin. onymu.Its r
`adv: 1|mug}: av elem-.9mt payment rneihoci payabia ”'1 US dollars and
`{ate thalis aucen abin‘.0 us, unitss a puniguiar raw: is :dtumed
`amp! payment In afo.eigII currency we wilt Lcn-jurrt It into US dnlials at a mmms
`'Iec'is as dizzy mill be deposited upon receipt I'mv I
`.‘ill haw rm
`'IoI send prwllated
`:cn appuoval WI: wiIE IL~DrcsenI oncur SI'IIerICIa In ..
`t Inn us w'I I..uI' on: L—zXpIL-sx prior w:
`Per Iission for Electronic Withdrawal: {’I] When you send a Izherfx fOI payment, you give II; perm-I:
`'Illy wzm 'zaw your L'Iayrnen:
`I'Iom yLIIII dep-Jsélntor: Ier use: ac:ount We VIII! pIoccss checks I:
`.CIrorIicaHy by IransI'IIi'II'I'ng the nmoun: oI’Iirc I1!
`k, mum-I9 numb ,account
`IIIIIIIber and (hack wn‘al numba. ic yournancual
`he (heck i< nOI processablr: electronisallycr II Ia ..
`institution unle
`only process Is available
`Win-:1 wt. [Mot-:55 your check elect;Urn“),,‘Jourpaymen'l maybe IN hrjlsnwn hum your dcpum
`the: asse: an"
`‘c- day we
`”he funds
`w.— yIzI-Ir check, and you will none iva that :anpalradcheckwith yam dang-sil- III othui asser accbum I
`III» LI: nnically we may Issue a- dIait against 9m“ aepm urnIia: asset auraun: for the amount nl' 1hr.- ch:{It Iz" B)-
`g. aI E;— Cmnpier Pay By
`PlIrIne or any other elecnunwpaymzm sen-ice at aways-J give us peIIITIIssioII In aim.Ironically-m:iIdIa.r funds I'ro
`II.— damn: I-I' o:her asset
`accuw I‘I you spacifyIII ilIe airtounl you request Payments usi: \g such Sam/ices cl ours received af'IItIII .0’) I'I JILMSTrI
`y n01 bu :Icu‘um‘! until the nexi‘
`How We Calculate Your Balance: We use The Average Daily Balance iADBI method (incl LI ding new !.I aI'IsacrEons) :0 (alwlate KIIe baiance on which
`we (hmge inlmesl‘un yourAccourzt Call the Customer [are nIIIIIl:eI'lIsIed beiow I‘ov more infoIrnaI on about tin; balance corputation method and
`how [asulling inldIest clIaIges an: determined. Tlieme'II’Iod we uszlc gure
`z'heADE urIdI‘I’IIareIi “NIH: I‘II daily compumidlng or'mreresr.
`Paying IMerest: ‘I'rILII dtm dart:II- at lead 25 tiny: aim me close breath hi‘Iling period. WI: will not chargI- ynII IIIrr-tI 9..{In ya IIr [Inn-bases IFS-nu pay
`each manlh yqur entire balance {ur Adjusted Salaam il'applicable) by the dua— date eacn month We wI'Il (ham: ynu IrIIc-rcs: :II (jihadvances and
`I'unluss minimise dlic-Merl) In?ante Iramfarr. hpglnnlnrv an 11w, Iratesanim I Ital»
`Foreign Currency Charges: ll you maize a Charge in a Foreign Lurr'ency, we wili convert it info US dollars on the daze we orour agents process ii We
`will choose a conversion rate that is accemable m IIs for ”that dale, unless a pammiar ram is required b law The r_x .Iversmn rats: we use Is no more
`than the higltesi'nificial rate published by a government agency ar (he highest interbank mic we Idcn
`from cusIIuII'I-Iny banking sources :In the:
`conversion dam n: the prior business day This rare may differ from razes in eliecr an the date ofyI‘Iur ch .ge Charges mavenm ml ombshn'lenlx
`(such as amines) will be bilied at the rates such establishments use
`Credit Balance: A credit balance (designaied (1R) shown an this starcn-Ieni represents money owed to you lI witlIIII {he six-month penod following
`statemenlindicaiing [he credit balance you do not request a refund orchaigc enough to use up the credit balance, we wili send
`(he date of the rst
`you a r. heck fur [he (refill balance within 30 days Iflhe ammznl is S‘s 00 or more
`Credit Reporting: We may report infnrmarinn about your Arznunl :n rredri‘ bureaus. Late payments, missed paymanrs, or other defaults an yr'ILI!
`Account may be reected
`in your credit repor'r,
`Customer Care Sc Billing Inquiries
`International Collect
`Large Print & Braille Statement
`Cash Advance at ATM: Inquiries
`SkyMiles Acroun! Balante and
`Award Redemption
`Hearing Impaired
`TTY: 1~800—221—9950
`1-330393-1 111
`FAX: 1623-7074442
`1—800430-1 000
`i—aoO—(‘ASH-NOW In NY: 1 rm-522"]
`897 I
`Change ofddress
`d° m
`"‘“m m
`:your cadres: nnline,visilwwvmmctiuncxprsx cpm/updnrccontacnnlo
`. Cnmpany Name. and Fort-inn Addres: cl Phone changc5,;IlL-Irse call Curlomer Cam
`s» prim «Jury in blue or Irlartkirrk only in III: boxes providcd.
`l I [
`l T
`Webse: metiwnexpreis com
`Cunamer Care
`& Billing Inquiries
`F O BO”): 9131535
`PO BOX 0001
`H »
`Pay Your Bill wrth AutoPay
`A‘v'Old la‘lE {E95
`. Save lime
`Deductyuur payment iron-I :rrirrr bank
`accountautomatiraliyc-ach month
`IVrrII amennn exp ressxomlauro pay
`Inc‘éy It: enroll
`rrl ——w—T—-l
`I I J—‘I
`[— —]
`Fw information on, 'now w: prmecr your
`privnty and lo Sél ynltr cammuniufr’nr‘;
`and privacy/chains, please visit
`Statements 000002


`Filed in District Court
`State of Minnesota
`8/31/2020 4:24 PM
`Gold Delta SkyMlles Credlt Card
`C'DSing DME 09/24/19
`Accoum Ending .1002
`important to us Please updatg your Personal Details
`Acco unt pl otection 3
`so we may co mac: you ate-nut your accoum if needed.
`Visit https:l/g|obal.ameril:anexpress‘com{account—management! to get
`s] 93.21
`S1 90.2 'l
`Get {he Amex‘j'iApp
`x x
`tale mam-Lem Fee
`Lian 9.119
`19h} Fees for this Period
`l Interest Charged
`lnlemst Charge on Burchases
`Totai interest Charged for this Period
`About Trailing Interest
`You maysee interest on your next statement even ifyau paythe new balance in full and on time. and make no new charges‘This is calla 'Zrail‘ing
`interestf'Tr'ailing interest is the interest charged when, for example, you didn't pay your prewous balance in full When that happens we charge
`interest from the rst day of the billing periud unrii we receive your paymeni in full You can avoid paying interest on purchases by paying your
`balance in full and on time each month Please see 'rhe 'When we charge interest" sub-section in your Cavdmember Agreement fordeiails.
`r3019 Fees and Interest Totals Year—to-Date
`l'c‘rai interest in 2019
`Interest Charge Calculation
`Your Annual Pertentage Rate (APRl is the annual interest rare on your account
`Tra nsacons Dated
`17.49% M
`lnt2r2_5_t Rate
`$6 30
`Conlin ued on reverse
`Statements 000003


`Filed in District Court
`State of Minnesota
`8/31/2020 4:24 PM
`_ _ .-
`I Interest Charge Calculation Continued
`_ -
`_ _
`w _
`Your Annual Percentage Ra re {APR} is {he annual interest rate on your account
`Transactions Dated
`Accont Ending .1 002
`w ———
`p. 4/5
`lnmresr Rate
`$190 12
`Cash Advances
`I-ilVIP-JhTn 32!:-
`08/08/201 B
`114946 [v3
`08/08/20 1 B
`26.99% (v)
`Miles Ea med
`SkyMiles' Account Number: XXXXXX7077
`Total Miles Earned
`Current Period
`Yearto Date
`Statements 000004


`Filed in District Court
`State of Minnesota
`8/31/2020 4:24 PM
`Gold Delta Sk MilesG Credit Card
`Closing Date (EB/24,519
`Accoun‘. Ending .I‘IOOL‘
`Notice of Important Changes to Your Cardmember Agreement
`We are making changes to your American Express Cardmember Agreement referenced in this
`notice. We encourage you to read this notice, share i'r with Addiiional Card Members on your
`il for future reference. The detailed changes to your CardmemberAgreement can
`account, and le
`the below summary chart.
`be found aer
`Summary of Changes, Effective lmmedlataly
`We are making changes to the claims resolution sections in your
`Cardmember Agreement. These changes will be reected
`on your billing
`statements received on or after September 1, 2019.
`and Claims
`for Covered
`About the Plan It
`Words We use in
`the Agreement
`Surfimary‘ of Changes, Effective November 1. 2019
`We are revising this sub-section under About using your card to specify
`that you may be able to include a qualifying amount in a single plan, at our
`We are updaling this sub-section under Introduction in Part2 of the
`Cerdmember Agreement to dene what we mean by parsen-te—pe‘rson
`transaction when we use this word in your Cardrnernber Agreement. We
`are also updating this sub—section to reect
`that a purchase inctudes a
`personAo-permn transaction!
`Limits on person- We are adding a new sub-section called Limits on person-iname”
`transactions under About using your card in Part 2 of the Cerdrnember
`s transactions
`Agreement to explain the limits on person—to-person transactions based on
`me Card you have;
`See the following page(s) fort .e Detail of Changes to your CardmemberAgreement
`Statements 000005


`Filed in District Court
`State of Minnesota
`8/31/2020 4:24 PM
`Account Ending” 002.
`al a
`Detail of Changes to Your Cardmember Agreement
`This notice amends your American Express Cardmember Agreement ("Agreement") as described
`beiow. Any terms in the Cardmember Agreemeni conflicting with these changes are completeiy
`repiaced. Terms not changed by this notice continue to apply. 1fyou have any questions, please call
`the number on the back of your Card.
`Effective immediately, the Claims Resolution and Claims Resolution for Covered Borrowers
`sections in Part 2 of the Cardmember Agreement are amended as follows:
`The seventh sentence is deleted and replaced with: All applicable statutes of limitation will be
`tolled from the date you or we send the claim notice until termination ofthe mediation.
`The sixth sentence in the Claims Resolution section and seventh sentence in the Claims
`Resolution for Covered Borrowers section are deleted and replaced with: The arbitrator’s
`authority is limited to claims between you and us alone. Claims may not be joined or
`oonsdidated unless you and we agree in writing. An arbitration award and anyjudgment
`case and cannot be used in any other case except
`it will apply only to the specic
`to enforce the award. The arbitrator‘s decisions are as enforceable as any court order and are
`subject to very limited review by a court.
`Limitations on ArbitratiLn
`The third, fourth. and fth
`sentences in the Claims Resolution section and second, third and
`fourth Sentences in the Claims Resolution for Covered Borrowers section are deleted.
`Arbitration Procedures
`sentence is deleted and replawd with: You and we agree that the arbitration will be
`The fth
`You and we agree that we will not disclose the content of the arbitration proceeding
`or its outcome to anyone. but you orwe may notify any govemment authority of the claim as
`permitted or required by law.
`The eighth and ninth sentences are deleted and replaced with: The arbitrator‘s award will be nal
`and binding. subject to each partys right to appeal as stated in this section andior to challenge
`or appeal an arbitration award pursuant to the FAA. To initiate an appeal, a party must notify
`the arbitration organization and ail parties in writing within 35 days after the arbitrator‘s award
`is lesued. The arbitration organization wilt appoint a three-arbitrator panel to decide anew, by
`majority vote based on written submissions, any aspect of the decision objected to. The appeal
`will otherwise proceed pursuant to the arbitration organization's appellate rules.
`additional Arbitration Alford;
`The section is deleted and replaced with: If the arbitrator rules in your favor for an amount
`offer we made before the nal
`hearing in arbitration. the arbitrator's award
`greater than any nal
`but in no case less than $5.000; and (2) any
`will include: ('1) any money to which you are entled,
`reasonable attomeys' fees, costs and expert and other witness fees.
`Statements 000006


`Filed in District Court
`State of Minnesota
`8/31/2020 4:24 PM
`Gold Dalia SkyMiIesQ Credit Card
`Account Ending I100
`Closing Date 09/24/19
`Effective November 1, 2019, the Abour’ using your card section in Part 2 of your Cardmember
`Agreement is amended by deleting the About the Plan it feature sub—section and replacing it
`with the following:
`Aboutthe Plan
`It feature
`We may o’er
`you Plan It. which
`allows you to create a payment
`plan for quality/379 purchases or a
`qualifying amount, subject to a plan
`fee. This fee is a xed
`thatwill be charged each month that
`a plan is active.
`You may use this feature by selecting
`qualifying purchases or e qualifying
`amount and a plan duration. You
`will be able to view the monthly
`plan payments, including the plan
`fee. for your selection. Each plan
`fee will be disclosed prior to your
`establishing the applicable plan and
`will be based on the plan duration,
`the APR that would otherwise apply
`to the purchase amouni(s), and other
`factors. When you set up a plan. the
`purchases or amount will be moved
`to a plan balance and will be subject
`to a plan fee instead of the APR for
`A qualifying purchase for Plan it is a
`purchase of atleasta specied
`amount. A qua/Wing amount for
`Plan lt is a specied
`portion of your
`balance. These qualifying purchases
`or a qualifying amount do not include:
`cash or cash equivalents. purchases
`subject to Foreign Transaction Fees.
`or any lees owed to us. including
`Annual Membership fees.
`Your ability to initiate plans will be
`based on a van'ety of factors such as
`your creditworthiness or your Credit
`Limit. You will not be able to initiate
`plans if your Account is cancelled.
`You will also not be able to initiate
`plans if one or more of your American
`Express accounts is enrolled into a
`debt management program. or has
`a payment that is returned unpaid,
`or is delinquent. We will tell you the
`number of active plans you may have
`and we may change this number at
`any time. The plan durations offered
`to you, and your ability to include
`multiple qualifying purchases or a
`qualifying amount in a single plan.
`will be at our discretion and will be
`based on a variety of factors such as
`your creditworthiness. the purchase
`amount(s). and your Account history.
`You agree to manage your Account
`so that the total of your plan balances
`(including plan fees) is not more than
`your Credit Limit.
`Plans cannot be cancelled after they
`have been set up but you can choose
`to pay them early by paying the New
`Balance shown on your most recent
`billing statement in full. If you pay a
`plan o early, you will not incur any
`future plan fees on that plan.
`Effective November 1, 2019, your Cardmember Agreement will be amended as follows:
`How YourAmen‘oan Express Account Works in Part 2 of the Cardmember Agreement is amended
`by deleting the sownd paragraph in the Words We use in the Agreement subsection and replacing it
`with the following:
`Card means any card or other device th at we issue to access your Account. A charge is
`any amount added to your Account, such as purchases, cash advances. fees and interest
`charges. A purchase is a charge {or goods. services. or person-to—person transactions. A
`cash advance is a charge to get cash or cash equivalents, including travelers cheques. gift
`cheques. foreign currency. money orders. casino gaming chips. race track wagers or similar
`and online betting transactions. A balance transferis a charge to pay an amount you
`owe on another credit card account. A person-maperson transaction is a charge for funds
`sent to another person.
`Statements 000007


`Filed in District Court
`State of Minnesota
`8/31/2020 4:24 PM
`Account Ending .002
`p. 8/8
`About using your card in Part 2 of {he Cardmember Agreement is further amended by adding the
`following new sub-section called Limits on person-ro-person lransacons:
`Llmits on
`Your person—to—person transactions
`may not exceed the $2.000 person-
`to-person transactions limit within any
`' 30-day period.
`that the total of your person-tD—person
`transactions in any 30<day pen‘od do
`not exceed the limit on person-to-
`parson transactions.
`We may not approve a person-to-
`person transaction ifit would cause
`your Account to exceed the person-lo-
`person transaction limit or your Credit
`Statements 000008


`Filed in District Court
`State of Minnesota
`8/31/2020 4:24 PM
`Gold Delta SkyMiles° Credit Card
`Closing Date 07/25/19
`Account Ending .7002
`p. ‘3)5
`i Delta SkyMilesc
`Miles Earned thisl’ericd
`: r'i
`Formore details‘qbburnewarcis,grease
`Account Sum mary
`Previous Balance
`New Charger
`Interest aharged
`$12871 .61
`New Balance
`Ii Minimum Paymenmue
`Cred it Limit
`Available Credit
`Cash Advance Limit
`Available Cash
`Daysin Billing Period, 3i
`$12,921.9n =
`5 13,000.00
`Customer Care
`“I g Fayby Computer
`7 americancxpressxom/pbc
`Customer Care
`1-8004 30-1 000
`Fay by Phone
`[:3 See page 2 foraddirional information.
`‘ New Balance
`Minimum Payment Due
`; Payment Due Date
`; Lnt'graymem Warning: Ifwc do notwrmuam'u mummum 1‘81?th Due by
`the Payment Illue [Jale'oi 033W! f'}. wt: may, [law-to my“ lap: ru- n! up to
`Slam) and yum APE» may Ix- Incl-armed to the Permit)- M‘H ul' 39.99%.
`Minimum Payment Warning: lfyou make only me. minimum payment each pen 10d,
`yal'l will pay mnmineinterest and "rt-will take you'longc: to nay oyaur
`balance, For
`I! you make no additional
`charges and each month you
`You will pay off the haiance
`shown on this statement in
`And you win Day an
`estimated total of“.
`Minimum Payment Due
`24 years
`3 V93”
`i 30’,“
`, .
`lfyou would like infolmation about credit counseling services, call 1-888-73341 39.
`B See page 7. for important information aboutyour account
`Your membership will be renewed next month. Please refer to the
`Ren ewal Notice {an Page 4.
`impatientlnfomat_ion:'i'b;ec'ce‘ss the most up 16 date version of you r
`'Cardme‘mber. Agreemmt, pieaie log in lb. year Attount at
`Continual on page 3
`B C
`w Please fold on the perforation below, detach and return with your paymenw
`Payment Coupon
`Do not mil-i-
`r'u'i'e paper clips
`Pay y-‘Corl'zpulgr
`Pay by Prime
`Account Ending 1-51002
`Enter 15 digit account i on all payments.
`Make cn eck payable 'ro American Express.
`143] 10TH AVE E
`SHAKOPEE MN 55379-2903
`Check hereifyoui addres: or
`phone number has changed.
`Note changes on reverse side.
`PO BOX 0001
`LOS ANGELES CA 900968000
`Payment DUe Date
`08119H 9
`New Balance
`S 12,821 .98
`Minimum Payment Due
`Amount Enclosed
`Statements 000009


`Filed in District Court
`State of Minnesota
`8/31/2020 4:24 PM
`KERRY a vorirmUTKA
`Acc_ount Eqdigg -_ 002
`p. 2.21
`Miam- auhat a
`,rzd Payments we receive. aflcrs pm
`be created fa your Account until the ne-
`"i st
`ciay aymems m
`'leck drawn on a US bank and payable in :55 dollaés. or'
`me {his
`our sraieme
`‘2] Dc- madc
`ance {oupon {no
`13 sinql
`ankm‘q sysiczm; and (3H Juan yaur futca'uni number Il'yuul pirrlmnf
`negaiiahiv Instrumer
`'xayablell': 'IJS (Jol
`1d L'Enaulatc Wrong!“ 121::- U
`I: «haw; {mail em:
`does nc-a meet an (a
`,creriinq mag.- bL- derqycuand 7m: may Incus iampayment feesand addimnal intern“ marge;
`‘ w:
`Elem-phi: pay-men: mnsr'be mad: 1mm
`an Elnrcnicphymmnr mlti‘nnd a'm.
`In US dulims aw" nlealabln through {he 1:5 bankhg iysre
`actrept payment in a faraig .mmmg', wa wlliml‘werzu into U5 denier: at a Jmveision :au: :haz i; atccplabie to us. unless a ya culat rye is mg
`by i’w, Pleaie do not. 32nd uu'st-éated checks as they will he dcpmil‘ed upcn Imeipt Any restrictive- famruaga on a payment
`enter; on us without nu; express pnor‘w 5mm approve; We wHI r0 present is your financia! institution any paymcnrehar is reamed unpaid
`Pnmalman" for Electrunic Withdrawal: f1) When you send a chuck For uaymenl', you giva us pcmbsiun w clectmniralty withdraw your :ihymcné:
`item Scur alarms]: m mixer aim: mic-aunt. We ra'l moms chutks electrnriically by El'ansmiuing me mmmtahhe chew. rauring num‘utr. account.
`insiitmim, urdasi meglmck is mt pmceahla
`number and check «aim mlmbel t!) 1mm nontial
`or a his costly prose“ Havana blc.
`'r'q'hw m: prams: )‘Uur (Md: cleammcsy. mm .pawm-r may be wilfatlrawn-fml
`yen! dcpusi: or oth'er asset account as awn as Lhe' same day we
`rem. vs: your check, and you wilé not. recpive that cancelée A check wi‘.
`your deposit or other asset account statement If we cannat collezt the fund;
`against-your depuslt er who»: asmtaummor me é'maum at the mack {21-3} using Pay y
`(:Tauranicalw we m3! Lame a dra
`computet. Fay By
`Phone er any 011m: stun-mus payment sawm- nf ours, yw give- us pm'n‘ussion Io eIectrora‘tcally wimdtaw funds from the: depnsétnr otheu' asset
`account-yen suecityln rha-ammmlmu matron Payments using such sen-ices or ours received arm: um pm, MSTrnay not hr credited 1mm rho next
`How We Caiculale Your Balance: We Lisa- mE Average Daily Balance {A08} meihod {including new iransaclionsltu calculate the bales-aw on whiur;
`on yum Account Call the Cusion'uer (are number listed bciowfor mare information about his balance computer n meihnd and
`we: Change inlet
`hnw sesuinng fr wast, an“: as are deter mined. The merhad we use go gure
`:hnADB andi‘nreresr results in daily (umcounding ofinreresr
`Paying Interest: 'rniu- due (in re is a: least '25. days After the close of each billing eriod. We will not charge you inter'er. on your purchases If you pay
`each month yourcntile baiance {0: Adjusted Balance iraaplicabie) by Ihe due al e each month We wili marge you interest on cash advances and
`(unless otherwise dlsclcsed) balance transfers beginning on the transaction dare.
`Foreign tartan-cg Charges: ll you make a Charge iii-:1 l‘meign Lurrbnw, we will comm 'Il izitu US dollars un me date we ur our Jgmts proxies: r2. We
`will climéc a (unit-:1 vioii‘zale tlial is aueptable to 115:er that dale, unhas a pai'ricusar'l'ateis required by law.The canvasior: rm We use is no more
`than the higiinsl‘olcial
`rate publislrcd by a government agency :Jr Iliu liiqllestinrcrhank rare we idenlir'y from customary -ankir ig suurucs «In llre
`conversron daze or the prior bars? es: day lhis rare may drtfer from rare: in effect (in the dare ofyaurcharge Charges convened by asuhlishments
`(such as airlines} will be billed al. lire raw: suLli establishments use
`Credit Balance: A credit balance: (designamd CR) shown on this staren‘genr represents money owed r0 you. lfwithin the six-month period {cilowing
`the dale of the rst
`.aling the credit balance you do riot requester refund or charge enough to use up the uedit balance, We wrir Send
`statement in
`you a check “or” the credit haéance wrrhin 3a days if the amount is $1 .00 or int-Ia
`Credit Reporting: We may reportinform'atiun about your Account to credit bureaus. Late payments, missed payments, or other defaults on your
`Account may be reflected in your credit moon.
`Customer Care8<illing
`International Collect
`Large Print& Braille Statements
`Cash Advance at ATMs Inquiries
`SkyMiles Account Balance and
`Award Redemption
`16004304 00F;
`Hearing Impaired
`TTY: 1-800-221-9950
`1-336-35313-1 '1‘! 1
`FAX: 1 623 70744442
`1 800 430 100C-
`l—aOHASH-N’JW In NY: 1-000-522- l B97
`[ a
`WEbSI‘QI ame’manexws
`Cus‘lomer Care
`BrBilling Inquiries
`PD BOX 95 1535
`79998- |535
`PO 80X 000‘!
`90095 80H?
`Change ofAddress
`ll‘ccrrm an {renndo natuse.
`' To changr)uurzddress onlrne, amencanoiprcssxommpdarecontacnnfu
`‘ FurNarnL-(Company fume. and Foreign Address or Phone changeayiunsa cill Customer Cam
`‘ Pleaseprinrcleew inblue or black ink oni‘
`:i the boxc: gruvidzd,
`Street Addres
`I _I
`Pay Your Bill With AutoPay
`. Avoid late fees
`r . Save time
`Deductyour payment from your bank
`l accountauromanmlly each month
`my: Sure
`Zip code
`Area t L‘riu and
`Elam; Phonic»
`IVISIK amnnnexpress.comlauropay
`rroday m email
`_ _._
`Ior rnlommron an nowwc proud ycur
`privzq: and énaetyou: Lomiwmimtion
`and privacy choices. pleasevisr‘t
`Statements 00001 0


`Filed in District Court
`State of Minnesota
`8/31/2020 4:24 PM
`Gold Delta Sin/Miles" Credit Card
`Closing Date 07/25/19
`Actou ni Ending 'Il 002
`‘‘. 3/5
`Payments and Credits
`_ Su mma ry
`Total Paymemsand Credns
`06/2711 9‘
`“indium: poslingdal-r
`New Charges
`l Summary
`Total New Ch: rges
`f Detail
`Card Ending 1-81 002
`57/20/‘1 9
`LileTimcFitness COM
`BOOK Stones
`5; g5
`337 15
`599 ()0
`Cnminucd an {everse
`Statements 000011


`Filed in District Court
`State of Minnesota
`8/31/2020 4:24 PM
`Account Ending .002
`i Fees
`Total Feesfor this Period
`Interest Charged
`Interest Charge on Purchases
`Totai interest Charged for this Period
`About Trailing Interest
`$195 50
`You maysee interest on your near: statumenl even ifyo-J pay 1hr: new balance in full and rm mm: and make no new charges. This i5 called Wailing-
`inrenest."Trniling inrerest is ihe interest charged when, for example, you dEc‘n'Z pay your previous balance in full When Ihar happens we charge
`interestfrom the first day of the billing period until we receive your payment in iuiLYou (an avoid paying inleresr on purchases by paying your
`baiancr: in full and on time each month, Please see (he “When we charge interesz' subsection in your Cardmember Agreement for deiails.
`2019 Fees and Interest Totals Year-to-Date
`Total Feesin 2019
`Total Interest in 201 9
`Interest Charge Calculation
`Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rateonyour account
`Transactions Dated
`Cash Advances
`MVariable Rau-
`(ls/OM20] B
`17.99% (v)
`27.49% {v}
`interest Rate
`$12,792 2i
`$0 00
`5991 47
`$1 95.50
`SO 00
`Renewal Notice
`Your Account renews next month Theicliowing terms will be in effectwhen your Account renews, unless we tell
`Please refer :13 Page 2 [or more inlnrmalion aboutyaur Accounl‘ including How We Calculate Your
`you alerwlsc.
`Balance. Paylng interest. and Foreign Currency Charges.
`Annual Membership Fee: The annual membership ree foryour Account is $95 Ci) th—n you receive the
`statement in which the annual fcc is billed, you can avoid paying the annual fee by calling the Customer Care phone
`number on Page 2 to cancel your Account.
`Plan Fee (Fixed Finance Charge]: The Plan IL feature will continue to bein elfeci when your Account renews unless
`we Iell you otherwise We will tlmrge a Plan Fee of up to 93M oieath purchase moved into a plan based on the
`plan duration. the MR rhntwoulrl otherwise apply totht: purchase, and other tutors. ifyou have active plans,
`further details can he rout-rt: in the Plan It section
`Please mfer‘io page 2
`in! l'urlher irnpcnanl
`'inr'urrnaliurr regarding
`7W" DECO-m!
`Continued on next page
`Statements 000012


`Filed in District Court
`State of Minnesota
`8/31/2020 4:24 PM
`Gold Delta SkyMlles Credrt Card
`Closing Date o7i25/19
`Account Ending 'l1002
`p, 515
`Renewal Notice continued
`fox each aiming-prim} nm'wn',’ ham! m mv T'rirne Rate
`{Main-mun": Hr.- .‘mmul ”L-:..~.-n!»:_;-.-F.s::!:: {f's}
`We-ury'e [lug- I'Inni- Ran: published in elm Hue: wcl'inn cf m»; nh'u'frrqéomnnmn
`Faun H1 ll'4:.bling
`11m lming;
`perimll Thu Wan Sam-t Jumru! may mu pubhsh II It Frimu ch m: um div. ll I: than; um, w: will am.- Ihn ftr‘n‘ne Rate
`{tom 1.114: previews d23- n was puhtultud.
`Thalia-natty IG'E may apnlwa yau: .m- m :n: Fl you mar.» mu- m mm;- mt- [say-mam w ifymrr warmer“ It relwned,
`We auralmcunmlcr 21ml: nan-131mm. mums

We are redirecting you
to a mobile optimized page.

American Express National Bank vs Kerry Vohnoutka, AKA Kerry D Vohnoutka, 70-CV-19-20133, 31082020_Statement of Closed or Charged Off Account_0 (Minnesota State, Scott County, District Court Aug. 31, (2024)


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.