20 Soft robotics with Variable Stiffness Actuators: Tough ... robotics with VSA - Tough robots for soft HRI.pdf · 20 Soft robotics with Variable Stiffness Actuators: Tough robots - [PDF Document] (2024)


20 Soft robotics with Variable Stiffness Actuators: Tough

robots for soft human robot interaction

Sebastian Wolf, Thomas Bahls, Maxime Chalon, Werner Friedl, Markus

Grebenstein, Hannes Höppner, Markus Kühne*, Dominic Lakatos, Nico

Mansfeld, Mehmet Can Özparpucu, Florian Petit, Jens Reinecke, Roman

Weitschat and Alin Albu-Schäffer

German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Abstract Robots that are not only robust, dynamic, and gentle in the human ro-

bot interaction, but are also able to perform precise and repeatable movements,

need accurate dynamics modeling and a high-performance closed-loop control. As

a technological basis we propose robots with intrinsically compliant joints, a stiff

link structure, and a soft shell. The flexible joints are driven by Variable Stiffness

Actuators (VSA) with a mechanical spring coupling between the motor and the ac-

tuator output and the ability to change the mechanical stiffness of the spring cou-

pling. Several model based and model free control approaches have been devel-

oped for this technology, e.g. Cartesian stiffness control, optimal control,

reactions, reflexes, and cyclic motion control.

20.1 Introduction

Robots interacting with humans in direct physical contact or even acting in place

of a human in given situations are of high interest for current research. Manipulat-

ing objects in direct contact with the human or in unstructured environment likely

results in contacts and collisions that are unpredictable. Furthermore, the desired

robot skills include fine manipulation as well as highly dynamic and powerful

movements. This results in special demands on the robots capabilities:

Robustness to fast impacts to reduce the risk of robot damage

Precision for fine manipulation

Sensitivity for gentle interaction with the environment

High dynamics for fast and controlled movements

If the intended application demands the combination of the four aspects, namely to

be robust, precise, sensitive, and dynamic at the same time, robots with stiff struc-

tures and stiff drive-trains come to their limits. Robots with stiff structure, but in-

herent compliance in the drive-train, promise to overcome the restrictions of clas-

sical stiff robots, being able to combine the four required aspects. The technology

of compliant actuators has been intensively investigated in the last decade, which


gained a great variety of implementations [1]. It can be distinguished between a

Variable Impedance Actuator (VIA) with physical variable stiffness and damping,

a Variable Stiffness Actuator (VSA) with physical variable stiffness, and a Varia-

ble Damping Actuator (VDA) with physical variable damping only.

This article will first introduce the concept of compliant actuation on the exam-

ple of the DLR Hand Arm System [2]. Then we discuss strategies for control of

the hand, Cartesian stiffness control, and optimal control. Furthermore, we show

reactions and reflexes to protect the hardware and the human, and address cyclic

motion control.

20.2 Compliant Actuation

The concept of soft robotics at DLR is based on stiff link structures and compliant

elements in the actuator drive-train (see one-dimensional model in Fig. 20.1). A

mechanism with a mechanical spring decouples the motor inertia from the output

and the link mass, which makes the actuator more robust and enables energy stor-

age in the spring (see Sec. 20.8, [3], [4], [5]). The difference between motor posi-

tion θ and link position q is the passive spring deflection φ. Joint torques are cal-

culated by position measurement of the passive spring deflection. The joint torque

information is used in control, e.g. impedance control, where the control adds ac-

tive impedance to the passive compliance of the spring mechanism (see Sec.

20.6.2). There is no passive damping element in the current mechanics, so the ac-

tuator types are VSAs. Damping is realized by active control [6], [7]. Most of the

link structure is equipped with flexible and padded covers, which give the robot a

soft tactile touch and reduce local contact forces.

The anthropomorphic DLR Hand Arm System was built as an experimental

platform to evaluate the VSA concept on 3 different types of VSAs [2]. It has a to-

tal of 26 DoF with 7 in the arm and 19 in the hand (Fig. 20.2). The flexibility is

solely located in the actuators, which are connected with stiff aluminum link struc-

tures. The housings are padded with soft foam and textile.

Fig. 20.1 1-DoF mass model of a Variable Impedance Actuator (VIA), which has physical varia-

ble stiffness and damping, interacting with an external object.


Fig. 20.2 The DLR Hand Arm System is equipped with 3 different types of Variable Stiffness

Actuators (VSA).

20.2.1 Floating Spring Joint (FSJ)

The mechanical principle of the DLR FSJ (see Fig. 20.3) is a VSA module de-

signed for the first 4 axes of the DLR Hand Arm System [4]. For this purpose, the

joints have to be extremely compact to fit into the arm. At the same time they re-

quire a high power density in order to approximate the human arm skills. The

DLR FSJ is designed to have energy efficient components and low friction. The

potential energy of the spring is used to a maximal extend in order to have a high

energy capacity to weight ratio.


Fig. 20.3 Schematic of the DLR FSJ mechanism. [4]

The DLR FSJ has one big motor to change the output position of the actuator and

one small motor to change the stiffness preset of the spring mechanism. In this

setup only one motor has to move to change the link position of the robot. If the

small motor is kept in a fixed position, the actuator behaves like a Serial Elastic

Actuator (SEA). The nonlinear spring mechanism is in series between the main

gear and the output.

The torque is generated by a rotational cam disk and roller system which

transmits the rotational joint deflection to an axial compression of a linear spring.

The shape of the cam disks can be chosen according to the desired torque vs. dis-

placement behavior (see Fig. 20.4). For the DLR Hand Arm System the cam disk

shapes were chosen to have a good capability of stiffness variation under all load


Fig. 20.4 The elastic torque characteristics of the DLR FSJ is parameterized by stiffness setup σ.

The stiffness setup is set by the small motor. [4]


20.2.2 Flexible Antagonistic Spring Element (FAS)

The FAS is motivated by the antagonistic arrangement of the human muscular sys-

tem. Herein, two muscles act in opposing directions to the joint. To change the

joint position, the muscles generate asymmetric forces. The stiffness can be varied

by co-contraction of the muscles, which generate internal forces. In order to

change the stiffness by co-contraction, the coupling between joint and muscles has

to be a non-linear spring, for which reason the tendons are exponential spring ele-

ments [8].

In the FAS two motors of equal size are connected to the output by tendons. In

the tendon routing, the tendons pass compliantly supported pulleys (see Fig. 20.5).

The pulley located at the spring loaded lever (right pulley) rotates around the cen-

ter of the guiding pulley (left pulley). The principle to move or stiffen the joint is

the same as in the biological muscle arrangement [5]. It is depicted in Fig. 20.5a)

in a low mechanical stiffness due to small α and in Fig. 20.5b) in a high stiffness

due to a large α.

Fig. 20.5 Antagonistic drive compliance mechanism (”tan α mechanism”) used for the FAS drive

in a) a low mechanical stiffness, and b) a high stiffness. [5]

20.2.3 Bidirectional Antagonism with Variable Stiffness (BAVS)

The forearm rotation (pronation and supination) and both rotations of the wrist

(radial and ulnar deviation; flexion and extension) are based on the principle of a

Bidirectional Antagonism with Variable Stiffness (BAVS) [9], [10], [11]. A nor-

mal antagonistic mechanism has the drawback that only the power of one motor is

available at the drive side of the joint. With the principle of BAVS we overcome

this drawback by allowing both motors to push and pull and thus to assist each

other in both directions. For this reason we also use the term helping antagonism

(see Fig. 20.6). In the case of equally sized motors and gears, the output torque is

twice the maximum individual motor torque. In the BAVS of the DLR Hand Arm

System each motor is connected to a harmonic drive gear with the circular spline

bedded in a ball bearing instead of fixing it to the base frame. In order to change


the position of the VSA, both motors rotate in the same direction. In order to

change the VSA stiffness, the motors move in the opposite direction, which causes

a pretension in the non-linear springs, but keeps the output position constant. The

non-linear spring characteristic is realized by a linear spring with a non-linear cam

disc mechanism.

Fig. 20.6 BAVS drive: in a) the mechanism is in rest position, in b) the joint is deflected by an

external torque, and in c) an equilibrium position in a stiff configuration is depicted (adapted

from [2]).

The cam disks can be easily changed in order to test different stiffness-

deflection relations.

20.3 Electronics and System Architecture

Dealing with 52 actuators and 430 sensors of different types poses a challenge for

electronics and systems architecture. Hence, major aspects as

reliability and maintainability

computation and communication bandwidth

power density and integration level

have to be taken into account during the development and design process [2].

Therefore the system is designed modularly and hierarchically. Electronics as well

as the computation and communication architecture follow this approach. Highly

integrated electronic subcomponents which are independent and scalable guaran-

tee the required flexibility, maintainability and reliability. This also is mirrored in

a well-structured communication concept described in [2], [12], [13].

Fig. 20.7 shows the hierarchical topology of the DLR Hand Arm System.

SpaceWire [14] is used as the communication backbone of the system. It is a

standardized packet based bus with a bandwidth up to 1 Gbit/s and is deterministic

for a given topology. Actuators and sensors are connected via the industry stand-

ard BiSS [15]. BiSS is a master / slave bidirectional serial bus with a typical data

rate of 10 Mbit/s [2].The physical interfaces in turn are connected via their dedi-

cated interfaces (I2C, SPI, PWM, etc.) to the sensor and actuator modules. Due to


this hierarchical design the complexity of the system can be hidden from the ap-

plication designer and on the other hand a good performance can be achieved with

only a minimal execution overhead.

Fig. 20.7 DLR Hand Arm System topology. [2]

20.4 Hand Design and Control

The hand is the most exposed part of the robot, although it has the smallest force

capabilities. The required features are large dexterity, manipulation capabilities,

and robustness against unwanted collisions 259[16], [17]. As the human hand is

highly under-actuated and uses several muscle/tendon synergies [18], which are

not technically realizable, a plain copy of the human hand is not feasible. The

hand design has to be based on an abstraction of the fundamental functionalities of

the human hand. To reduce the number of drives, DoFs which have relatively low

impact on grasping abilities should be omitted. These missing DoFs have to be

compensated functionally by the kinematics design of the hand [19].

The kinematics of the hand (see Fig. 20.9) is closely adapted to the human hand

on a functional basis [19]. It consists of 19 independent DoFs10 in order to reduce

the number of necessary drives. Like human fingers, the index and middle finger

have 4 DoFs. The 2nd (PIP) and 3rd (DIP) finger joint11 of the ring and fifth finger

are coupled to reduce the number of necessary actuators. The 5th DoF of the hu-

man thumb turned out to be of low relevance [20], [19] and have been omitted. To

ensure proper opposition of the thumb and the 5th finger, an antagonistically driv-

10 Thumb 4 DoF, index finger 4 DoFs, middle finger 4 DoFs, ringfinger 3 DoFs, 5th finger 4


11 starting from the fingers base


en 4 bar mechanism was designed to mimic the motion of the 5th finger metacar-

pal bone12. The structure of the finger is designed as an endoskeleton with “bionic

joints” [21]. The finger base (metacarpal) joint is a hyperbolically shaped saddle

joint because the human condyloid joint type cannot be replicated technically13.

The finger (interphalangeal) joints, on the other hand, are designed as hinge joints.

All joints allow dislocation without damage in case of overload14. In addition to

robustness due to short-term energy storage, the use of antagonistic actuation (see

Sec. 20.2) enables to cope with tendon slackening or overstretching, which is one

of the major problems of nowadays tendon-driven hands having inevitably con-

stant tendon length. In contrast, antagonistic actuation is able to compensate una-

ligned pulley axes, and other geometrical errors via the elastic elements of the

drive train. Therefore no explicit tendon tensioner is needed [22].

The forearm is composed of 3 major parts: 1-DoF forearm rotation and 2-DoF

wrist both with BAVS actuation and a 19-DoF hand with antagonistic actuation.

The 38 motors and their corresponding nonlinear compliance mechanisms are

tightly integrated into the forearm (see Fig. 20.8). The fingers are actuated via the

ServoModules. A multiturn winder transfers the rotational gear motion to the ten-

dons. The compliance mechanism is similar to the one described in [22]. One dif-

ference is that the winder also acts as the first pulley of the “tan α mechanism”

(see Fig. 20.5). This reduces the number of required pulleys. Each compliance el-

ement is adapted to the different finger and joint characteristics. In order to facili-

tate maintenance, the finger actuators are placed on two almost identical halves.

This configuration allows to replace ServoModules without dismounting the ten-

dons. If a tendon replacement is required, the forearm can be opened to grant ac-

cess to the compliance mechanisms as well as the winders.

12 the first bone of the finger located within the palm

13 in a meaningful way

14 the elongation of the tendons in case of dislocation is compensated by the elastic elements of

the antagonistic drives


Fig. 20.8 Opened forearm with the ServoModules. The ServoModules are located on the outside

of each half of the forearm. The tendons and the elastic elements are located in the middle layer

between both halves.

The compact ServoModules are used for both the wrist and forearm rotation since

the requirements are almost identical. The major difference is a higher required

torque for the forearm rotation and wrist actuation than for the finger actuation.

This requirement motivated the use of the newly developed BAVS actuation (see

Sec. 20.2).

Fig. 20.9 Hand and wrist of the DLR Hand Arm System.


Fig. 20.10 Hand controller structure. q and θ represent the joint and motor positions. f and τ rep-

resent the tendon forces and the joint torques.

The hand controller implements a joint level impedance behavior to facilitate

interactions with the environment. The top level control scheme implemented on

the system is depicted in Fig. 20.10. The joint state observer provides an estimate

of the joint position and the joint torque based on the measured motor displace-

ment and the FAS sensors. An inner loop ensures that the tendon pulling con-

straints are holding and that the maximal tendon forces are not exceeded. The joint

impedance controller is using a back-stepping structure in order to deal with the

flexibility of the joints. A kinematic model of the wrist is used to compensate for

the tendon displacement due to wrist motion.

20.5 Modeling Soft Robots

A soft robot with lumped elasticities such as the DLR Hand Arm System can be

imagined as a set of directly actuated rigid bodies with configuration θ ϵ m, con-

nected to the indirectly actuated rigid bodies (with configuration vector θ ϵ n)

through visco-elastic forces [23]. The entire configuration space of the system is

denoted by x = (θ,q), x ϵ (n+m). A quite general abstraction of a compliant robot,

which can be used for the generic design of controllers, is given by


with M(x) being the inertia matrix, c(x,ẋ) the Coriolis and centrifugal vector, V the

potential energy of the elastic element and of the gravity forces, τm ϵ m the actua-

tor generalized forces acting as control inputs and τext ϵ n the external torques act-

ing on the robot as a disturbance. The most relevant property of this structure is its


under-actuation, meaning that the system has less control inputs (m) than its con-

figuration space dimension (n+m). However, in contrast to other purely inertially

coupled under-actuated systems15, for the considered robots V(x) is [24] positive

definite, implying that a unique equilibrium point exists for each external torque

with actuators in a fixed configuration θ = θ0 and that the linearization of the sys-

tem around an equilibrium point {x = x0; ẋ = 0} is controllable. Typically, V(x) =

VG (x) + Vτ (x), i.e. the potential function is the sum of a gravity potential VG and

an elastic potential Vτ. The elastic potential function Vτ (x) is a convex function,

increasing strongly enough to compensate for the destabilizing effects of VG, such

that V(x) is convex as well. Furthermore, the system contains in general a dissipa-

tive friction force d(ẋ) with ẋTd(ẋ) ≤ 0.

If there is no substantial inertial coupling between motors and links and under

some further mild simplification assumptions, the model can be written in a form

resembling more the classical flexible joint robots:


20.6 Cartesian Stiffness Control

20.6.1 Cartesian Impedance Control

While the mechanical stiffness of VIA robots can be adjusted in a wide range, not

any task impedance can be realized by shaping the intrinsic mechanical properties.

This is due to intrinsic limitation in minimal and maximal mechanical stiffness as

well due to the fact that so far, most robots do not have coupled stiffness elements

which would require multi-joint actuators [25]. This is in contrast to biological

systems, which have a much larger number of muscles and also contain a large

number of multi-articular joints. However, one can design a stiffness controller on

motor side, which acts in serial interconnection with the intrinsic mechanical stiff-

ness. Following a central paradigm of VIA, the mechanical robot parameters need

to be tuned such that the desired behavior is naturally achieved on a mechanism

level to the largest extent possible.

The stiffness behavior is described by a constant stiffness matrix KC =


mxm as the relation between the Cartesian wrench f and the Cartesian displace-

ment x. The n passive and adjustable joint stiffness components provide the diag-

15 as for example multiple pendulums such as the Acrobot [27]


onal16 matrix KJ =

ϵ nxn

with the joint torques τ and the joint positions q. The

mapping from the Cartesian stiffness space to the joint stiffness space is given by

τ : KJ = T(KC).

This transformation can be written as


J(q) = ( )

is the manipulator Jacobian, where (q) is the forward kinematics

mapping. ∆x = xd - x is the Cartesian position error between the desired and the

actual position. The first part of (3) reflects the stiffness around the equilibrium

point. The second part of (3) is due to the change of the Jacobian, see [26].

The Cartesian stiffness a the equilibrium position (∆x = 0), resulting from a

specific joint stiffness can be obtained by solving the inverse problem of (3),

KC = τ -1

(KJ )17. Using compliance matrices C• = K•

-1, it results from




Active control adapts the stiffness in a wider range, and the elastic elements are

capable of absorbing impacts and increase the energy efficiency. By combining

the two concepts, one can benefit from the individual advantages. The serial inter-

connection of the active stiffness Kactive and the passive one Kpassive results in an

overall stiffness Kres (see Fig. 20.11):


To compute the active and passive stiffness components, a two-step optimization

algorithm can be used [28]. It achieves first a passive stiffness as close as possible

to the desired one and secondly designs the active stiffness to minimize the resid-


16 Decoupled joint compliance is assumed.

17 Note that at the equilibrium position the second term in 3 vanishes


Fig. 20.11 Combination of active impedance controller with passive compliance to achieve a de-

sired Cartesian stiffness.

20.6.2 Independent Position and Stiffness Control

The classical robot positioning task has some obvious particularities in the case of

VIA systems. One does not only need to control the position of the link, but simul-

taneously has the chance to control the joint stiffness as well. This is possible due

to the two independent actuators per joint. Additional control goals, especially im-

portant in the presence of disturbances, are the minimization of deflections and the

suppression of vibrations.

The solutions to achieve independent control of link motion and stiffness can

be classified in two categories.

One class of controllers exploits the knowledge of system models. In [29] and

[30] feedback linearization approaches are used to transform the robot dynam-

ics into an equivalent model of simpler form. A decoupled chain of integrators

can be achieved, as long as system inversion is possible. The simple structure

of the equivalent dynamics allows for simultaneous decoupling and accurate

tracking of motion and stiffness reference profiles. However, the abstraction of

the robot dynamics hinders the implementation of performance criteria.

Another model based approach aims to achieve a reduced order model [31].

Therefore, separate dynamics are identified in the robot system, namely the

arm, the positioning actuators, and the stiffness actuators. The independence of

these dynamics is shown by a singular perturbation analysis. A cascaded con-

trol structure is based upon this analysis.

The abstraction that this class of controllers provides, allows for theoretical

simplicity and design flexibility. On the other side, robot performance and ro-

bustness in the presence of model uncertainty are not guaranteed. High model

accuracy and high derivatives of states are often required. Furthermore, to con-

form with the idea of embodiment additional effort is necessary, as the control-

lers often enforce a very different robot behavior than the natural one.

The second class of controllers are energy shaping based controllers.

One of the first controllers in this category was presented by [32]. The control-


ler acts on motor position and uses a transformation to independently control

the joint position and stiffness. The controller is validated on a 1 DoF VSA


An extension and generalization has been presented in [33]. The control design

formulation is valid for a quite general form of underactuated Euler-Lagrange

systems including variable impedance robots. Herein, the controller action can

be interpreted as shaping of the potential and kinetic robot energy ensuring sys-

tem passivity.

A general task is described as to control k independent output variables given

by q = h(x) to desired constant values qd ϵ Rk. ϵ R

n is the vector of generalized

coordinates, where n = 2k is the usual case for VSA robots. Given the structure

of VSA robots (2), a new variable q̄ can be found. This is a collocated (directly

actuated) variable, which is statically equivalent to the noncollocated (indirect-

ly actuated) q. Using this collocated variable for a passive feedback ensures

stability and can be interpreted as shaping the potential energy of the system.

The variable q̄ is achieved by solving the static solution of the link side equation


for q. Except for very simple cases, this equation has to be solved numerically.

Due to the convex nature, this is a fast and numerically robust task in practice.

Consequently, the controller


is stabilizing the desired position qd.g( q̄ ) is a feed forward term, compensating

for the gravity. The use of q̄ enables arbitrarily low controller gains even for large

displacements from the equilibrium. Jq̄ is a Jacobian mapping the collocated vari-

able on the statically equivalent q̄. Global asymptotic stability based on La Salle’s

invariance theorem can be shown.

The approach can be extended in order to include also feedback of torque and

torque derivative, with the effect of reducing the apparent actuator inertia and fric-

tion. This allows improving the transient performance while remaining within the

passivity framework.

The energy shaping approach provides excellent performance in the static case

and for well damped systems. However, some joints show low intrinsic damping

to enable joint torque estimation and energy efficiency. In this case it is desirable

to add additional damping via control or to include a physical variable damping

element. Several damping control structures can be considered. A simple gain

scheduling approach for a one DoF system has been presented in [34]. Local linear

sub-problems are identified on which a LQR state feedback controller is designed.

The nonlinearity of the robot dynamics requires adapting the controller poles de-

pendent on the system state, which is especially hard for the multi joint robots.


A physically motivated state feedback control approach for multi-DoF VSA

robots has been presented in [6] using an eigenvalue based modal decomposition.

20.7 Optimal Control

Humans are capable of highly dynamic motions such as throwing or kicking. A

major feature that presumably enables them to perform such tasks is their ability

to optimally store and release elastic energy in the compliant elements of the mus-

culoskeletal system, in combination with inertial energy transfer between the rigid

parts of the body. Based on this feature, using elastic elements in robot joints, and

finding control strategies which exploit this elasticity optimally has recently drawn

significant attention.

The question of how to make use of the (adjustable) potential energy stored in

elastic elements of a robotic system in the best possible way is not a trivial one,

especially when considering the increased complexity of robotic systems with ad-

ditional elasticity. A powerful mathematical tool for dealing with this question is

Optimal Control (OC) Theory [35], which provides conditions for the control to

minimize a given cost functional. Generally, a cost functional can be written as a

sum of two terms


where the first term, the terminal cost, considers the final state of the state and the

terminal time, whereas the second term, the integral cost, takes the whole trajecto-

ry into account. By choosing an appropriate cost functional, the optimal cost can

then be used as an indicator for the performance one can gain from elastic joints.

Unfortunately, the conditions which OC theory provides, cannot always directly

be formulated as control laws, especially when one wants to analyse a complex

robotic system with multiple degrees of freedom and various nonlinearities. Nev-

ertheless, under some simplifying assumptions, it is in some cases also possible to

find analytical solutions, which are useful in understanding the best control strate-

gies for these novel devices. Consequently, two main approaches are being fol-

lowed for the analysis of these systems.

The first one is to work on simplified models such that analytical results can be

obtained ([36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45]). These results are useful to

reveal the relation between the system’s parameters such as eigenfrequency,

damping ratio and the maximum attainable performance regarding for instance the

system’s peak velocity during a throwing motion. The second approach is the use

of powerful numerical tools such as pseudospectral methods [46], which have

been successfully applied to various robotic systems including the DLR Hand

Arm System ([37], [2], [48], [49]).


Even though one can compute the optimal control strategy for complicated sys-

tems following the second approach, this computation may require a significant

amount of time depending on the complexity of the used model. Consequently, for

applications where the optimal control strategy is needed in real-time, these meth-

ods need to be further developed. In [50], the problem of generating optimal mo-

tions in real-time was addressed by encoding trajectories via Dynamic Movement

Primitives (DMPs). The optimal trajectories learned via DMPs have the advantage

of being reconstructable in real-time with high precision. Furthermore, the extrap-

olation to other tasks show near-optimal behavior, which has been illustrated in

[50] by realizing a ball throwing motion with the DLR Hand Arm System, when

the goal position is varying.

Comparing the existing results regarding the optimal control of elastic joints in

literature, a lack of existing analytical results especially for n-DoF systems is ap-

parent. Consequently, filling this gap and combining the gained insight for more

efficient numerical methods and learning algorithms is an ongoing research.

20.8 Collision Detection and Reaction

As mentioned previously, intrinsic joint elasticity improves impact robustness.

In addition, the potential energy storage and release capabilities in the joints allow

to outperform rigid manipulators by means of achievable peak link velocity. While

high link velocities are desirable in terms of performance, they may also increase

the robot’s level of dangerousness and the risk of self-damage during collisions. In

other words we have to consider both, threats for the environment and the robot.

Threats for the environment are mainly caused by contact forces with the robot,

whereas threats for the robot are dominated by the torque in the drive-train of the

robot actuators. Thus, the problem of ensuring safety has to be treated differentiat-

ed. In physical human-robot interaction (pHRI) it is therefore important to detect

contact with the environment and take appropriate countermeasures by control in

case of unwanted collisions.

For detecting and isolating collisions with the DLR Hand Arm System, we use

the generalized link momentum observer proposed in [51]. As this observer re-

quires knowledge of the elastic joint torque, we use an estimate obtained by model

identification. An alternative scheme described in [30] observes both the motor

and link momentum and therefore does require identification of the joint torque.

However, this scheme showed poor performance in practice because it is sensitive

to unmodeled motor friction. Having detected collisions with the environment,

collision reaction schemes can be activated to ensure the physical integrity of hu-

man and robot.


20.8.1 Reactions

The most intuitive collision reaction is to stop the robot. For rigid robots or robots

with high joint stiffness such as the LWR-III, stopping can simply be achieved by

engaging the brakes or commanding the current position to the position controller.

However, when halting the motors of VSA robots the links can still oscillate sig-

nificantly due to the intrinsic joint elasticity. This can result in large link side ve-

locities and even constraints such as maximum elastic deflection may be violated.

The decrease of link velocity then depends on the damping of the joints, which is

typically undesired for VSA robots and therefore very low.

Braking of elastic joint robots can be achieved by introducing active damping

by control. For this, several schemes have been proposed recently. The state feed-

back controller described in [6] bases on a eigenmode decoupling approach and

selects feedback gains such that dynamics and control behave like damped second

order systems. A second decoupling based method described in [52] aims at brak-

ing an elastic robot as fast as possible, in other words, introducing as much damp-

ing as possible. The controller makes use of optimal control theory to brake each

decoupled SISO mass-spring system in minimum time. It is noteworthy, that this

optimal control problem can be solved in real-time. Both previously mentioned

methods require a dynamic model of the robot. A model-free approach was pre-

sented in [7] were the energy storage and release process of every joint is exploit-

ed to form a passive damping controller.

An overload in the drive-train of a VSA robot typically results in the situation

that the spring deflection limit is approached, e.g. by an external impact. In this

case the mechanics or spring is likely damaged. In order to avoid this, an extreme-

ly large spring could be utilized, which would be of no use during the normal op-

erations and would increase weight and bulkiness. An alternative is to actively

move the VSA position in the direction of the threatening torque, so that the

spring is discharged. This for example can be initiated at a load level above a giv-

en remaining potential energy capacity, or a remaining passive deflection angle

(see red dashed line in Fig. 20.12), [53].

Another possible reaction to avoid spring overload takes advantage of the ca-

pability of a VSA to change its stiffness. It uses the same activation criteria as the

previous reaction. Depending on the construction and the implementation princi-

ple, a VSA features different spring energy capacity or maximum deflection angle

at different stiffness presents. If the VSA is set due to application demands to a

less advantageous stiffness preset concerning the robustness issue, this can be mit-

igated by the reaction strategy. As long as the threat of overload is present the

VSA changes the stiffness preset to a safer state and returns to the normal state

when the critical situation is over. Spring preload type and antagonistic VSAs

have a higher energy capacity at lower stiffness presets, because the energy used

to preload the spring(s) for a stiffer setup cannot be used for passive deflection

(light grey area in Fig. 20.12). In this case the motors release the preload during

the reaction so that they do not have to supply additional power and at the same


time increase the actuator energy capacity. An additional benefit is that also the

maximum passive deflection angle increases with a softer stiffness preset.

Fig. 20.12 Spring force vs. spring compression with the spring energy (grey area below the blue

line) and the reaction trigger level (red line).

20.8.2 Reflexes

A novel approach to increase safety and security of VSA systems is to take the

human mimetic approach one step further: The actuator unit consisting of motor

and spring can be controlled analogously to the human muscle and tendon, which

are protected by reflex actions. Those reflex actions can be interpreted on a control

level to protect the mechanical VSA system. But what are those protective reflex-

es and what do they regulate? Among them is the stretch reflex, commonly known

from the tendon jerk experiment: A tap on the tendon of the quadriceps passively

stretches the muscle and special receptors, the so called muscle spindles, lead to a

contraction of the same muscle. Moreover there is the more complex nociceptive

withdrawal reflex that leads to a withdrawal movement elicited by a painful stimu-

lus. The number of activated muscles is scaled with the intensity of the stimulus

and might lead to the retreat of only one limb, e.g. after tapping on a needle, up to

a reaction of the whole body jumping away from the source of stimulus. A third

reflex is the autogenic inhibition that leads to a relaxation of the muscle threatened

by overload: If a force is much too strong for a muscle, golgi tendon organs induce

its inhibition to protect it from harmful tear.

Those reflexes are very different, but our assumption is that they follow com-

mon principles, which are namely: hierarchy, since they operate concurrently in a

predefined order, where the central nervous system (CNS) is at the highest level

and can suppress any reflex activity by conscious thought; operation on joint level

and not necessarily a reaction in Cartesian space; reflex reversal, which means that

the same stimulus can lead to different reactions, depending on the situation; irra-

diation, because the stronger a stimulus the more muscles are activated and the re-


action is spread (irradiated) over the joints; the preservation of a status quo, which

is e.g. stability or sanity. The reflexes, interpreted on a control level, are a combi-

nation of PD control (stretch reflex), force/torque control (autogenic inhibition)

and a fast trajectory (nociceptive withdrawal reflex).We propose an activation

strategy of the reflexes based on two inputs: The measured deflection of the spring

mechanism, directly correlating to the torque, since the stiffness of the spring is

known, and the force input from an artificial skin. The activation is complemented

with a switching strategy of the control mode that preserves the stability of the

system in action. Thus, the system is PD controlled and moves away from a source

of stimulus to the artificial skin that is arranged in so called reflex responsive

fields, eliciting a movement of the proximal joint away from the source of stimu-

lus (see Fig. 20.13). Two of the use cases are: (A) An evasive trajectory of the mo-

tor after an impact on the artificial skin to a new set-point, symbolized by a red

dot; (B) A switch to torque control mode after over-lengthening of the spring to

reduce the stored elastic energy. The control modes can be used conjointly and the

reaction can be spread over multiple proximal joints. After each reflexive reaction

a trajectory back to original set-point, symbolized by a green dot, is computed.

The stronger the stimulus, the more joints are activated to support the movement.

If overload of the spring is detected, the system switches into torque control,

hence reducing the energy storage in the spring, and switches back to PD control,

after necessary energy and stability conditions are satisfied. All control action

takes place on joint level, can be spread over multiple proximal joints as well as

suppressed by raising the activation-thresholds. It only steps in when necessary

and thus enhances existing control schemes by providing additional safety and se-


Fig. 20.3 Reflex use cases for a VSA joint, where the motor is depicted in blue, the link in grey,

a passive compliance as black spring and the artificial skin in green.


20.9 Cyclic Motion Control

Key properties of compliant actuators in robotic arms are the capability to improve

performance and energetic efficiency. Especially in case of cyclic motion tasks,

the capability to buffer and release elastic energy may reduce the size and weight

of required actuators and save a substantial amount of energy. These properties are

even of increased importance for legged robots, which need to wirelessly walk,

jump, or run over rough and uneven terrain. The step from rigid towards elastic

actuation introduces natural oscillation dynamics into the plant. In our recent

works [54], [55], [56], [57], [58], [58], novel concepts to exploit these natural dy-

namics have been derived.

Considered limit cycle control methods range from classical principles based

on the well-known Van der Pol oscillator to novel concepts following the idea of

resonance and natural dynamics excitation. The former method is adapted from

rigid actuator control, where the generalized force of the second-order dynamics

can be considered as control input. An implementation for compliant actuators is

proposed in [54]. The latter method is derived from human motor control [56],

[58]. This method directly applies to continuous second-order systems18 of the


with positive plant parameters19 representing a large class of compliantly actuated

robotic joints. The limit cycle controller is simply the switching law20.

For the maximally efficient controller parameters ̂ ≤ 2ϵ, this controller generates

a globally asymptotically stable limit cycle without any model knowledge, only

based upon measurements of the spring deflection [58].

The extension of the above methods from the single to the multiple joint case

under the concept of natural dynamics exploitation is derived from the notion of

intrinsic mechanical oscillation modes [58]. Exploiting the idea of two dimension-

al invariant submanifolds, 2nth

-order dynamics of multiple joint robots collapses to

second-order dynamics of a single joint. This dimensionality reduction can be

achieved using one of the following approaches:

18 The system has continuous states ̇ ∈

19 The inertia m > 0, the generalized damping force is positive semi-definite in a sense that d(q,q

) q 0 and the elastic potential U(ϕ) is positive definite w.r.t. the spring deflection ϕ. 20 The finite dynamics is piecewise continuous from the left, i.e. θ represents the state of θ be-

fore the switching.


Considering a locally valid linearization of the nonlinear plant dynamics,

linear eigenmodes can be identified. The valid range of these modes can

be extended to hold globally by feedback control [54].

On the basis of the switching control, a directed excitation along an in-

trinsic mechanical oscillation mode can be achieved by adaptive control


A method to generate a limit cycle along a predefined oscillation mode

has been derived from classical impedance and null-space control [36].

The above methods can be nearly arbitrarily combined to achieve a multiple de-

gree of freedom limit cycle control. One can adapt to one of the following re-

quirements: task adaptability, performance, or efficiency.

20.10 Conclusion

We highlighted in this chapter that intrinsic flexibility in robotic systems is of cru-

cial importance to obtain human level power density and to interact safely with

humans and unknown environments. Using classical electro-mechanical actuation

in combination with nonlinear elastic joint mechanisms allows realizing high per-

formance actuators, with high motion repeatability and high efficiency. A large

amount of control literature on flexible joint robots can be therefore accessed and

adapted to the nonlinear, adjustable stiffness case. In this chapter we addressed on

the basis of the DLR Hand Arm System all major aspects related to the mecha-

tronic design and control of VSA robots. As a research prototype, the DLR Hand

Arm System fully validates the feasibility of the VSA concepts. A major draw-

back remains the relatively high complexity of the nonlinear elastic joint. New

technological approaches to implement the variable elastic element and integrated

electronics solutions would therefore support the evolution of VSA systems to-

wards commercial applications.

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20 Soft robotics with Variable Stiffness Actuators: Tough ... robotics with VSA - Tough robots for soft HRI.pdf · 20 Soft robotics with Variable Stiffness Actuators: Tough robots - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Soft actuators produce the mechanical force needed for the functional movements of soft robots, but they suffer from critical drawbacks since previously reported soft actuators often rely on electrical wires or pneumatic tubes for the power supply, which would limit the potential usage of soft robots in various ...

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Healthcare Robots: Soft robots can be designed to conform to the shape of the human body, allowing them to be used for tasks such as surgery, rehabilitation, and assistive technology for people with disabilities. Wearable Robots: these biomimetic devices can be applied to a patient undergoing physical rehabilitation.

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While the hard robots are made of rigid materials such as metals and hard plastics with a bulk elastic modulus of as low as 1 GPa, the monolithic soft robots should be fabricated from soft and hard materials or from a strategic combination of them with a maximum elasticity modulus of 1 GPa.

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The octobot is the world's first completely soft, autonomous, and untethered robot.

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Mark Chiappetta, President and Chief Executive Officer.

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An actuator is a device which causes something to happen. This could be a robot movement, which is often achieved using motors: An actuator is needed to make the robots wheels turn. Or the joints of a robot arm to rotate.

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NASA uses robotic systems to explore other planets and objects in our solar system as precursors to crewed missions, assist astronauts on the International Space Station, study the universe, and much more.

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What can Little Sophia do? Little Sophia can walk, talk, sing, play games and, like her big sister, even tell jokes!

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Choosing Between Robotics and Coding:

Ultimately, the decision depends on your child's interests and characteristics. The Robotics suits younger children exploring hands-on experiences, while coding classes are ideal for older students with advanced math and logical thinking skills.

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Robotics involves designing and controlling physical robots, while AI extends beyond, encompassing a broader range of applications like data analysis and machine learning. The combination of robotics and AI leads to advanced technologies where intelligent algorithms guide physical machines.

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Common Types of Robots
  • Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) AMRs move throughout the world and make decisions in near real-time as they go. ...
  • Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) ...
  • Articulated Robots. ...
  • Humanoids. ...
  • Cobots. ...
  • Hybrids.

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Last year, researchers in the US created the world's first living machine, called xenobots. Composed of bundles of stem cells from the African clawed frog (xenopus laevis), the new life form was programmed to accomplish tasks and move microscopic objects around.

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The first humanoid statically and later dynamically balanced robot, WABOT, by Ichiro Kato of Waseda University, Japan, was developed around the same time.

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The first electronic autonomous robots with complex behaviour were created by William Grey Walter of the Burden Neurological Institute in Bristol, England, in 1948 and 1949. The first digitally operated and programmable robot was invented by George Devol in 1954 and was ultimately called the Unimate.

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The 3 most popular types of actuators based on their energy source are Electrical, Pneumatic and Hydraulic actuators - There are other types but not as popular so they will not be discussed, for extra information you can check the resources provided at the end of the blog- each type has its own advantages and ...

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There are four basic types of linear actuators: mechanical/electro mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and piezoelectric.

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Soft actuators can be classified into five categories: tendon-driven actuators, electroactive polymers (EAPs), shape-memory materials, soft fluidic actuators (SFAs), and hybrid actuators.


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